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Choosing right way to dry our hands (Better living special hack)

Updated: Aug 23, 2024

When it comes to drying your hands at home, the answer is quite clear: a cloth towel. From a cleanliness perspective and with limited people at home, managing a cloth towel is easy and eco-friendly. However, the challenge arises in public toilets found at train stations, bus stations, shopping malls, airports, restaurants etc. Maintaining cloth towels in these locations presents many challenges, particularly regarding cleanliness. So, what’s the best alternative, paper towels or electric dryers  in terms of hygiene and in terms of sustainability?

Cloth towels are ideal for homes, or hospitals, where there are enough people to take care of the cleanliness. They are the most eco-friendly, reusable, and easy to wash solution for drying hands, which significantly reduces waste. Hygienically, cloth towels are effective as long as they are washed regularly and dried properly, ensuring a clean way to dry hands. From a cost perspective, cloth towels are very economical since they involve minimal ongoing costs compared to disposable options.

In public places, maintaining cloth towels is impractical due to logistical issues and also to maintain hygiene level. Just to bring a perspective here, see at saloons which are also a public place, but the service givers have control on the use of cloth towels, so you will find cloth towels are used there. However, at places where the drying tool / equipment is directly in the hands of the public itself, the challenge of hygiene becomes significant. So, is the need for some alternative solution.  Thus, the debate centers around paper towels and electric dryers. 

Paper towels

Paper towels offer a high level of hygiene due to their single-use nature, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. They are also convenient as they can be easily disposed of and are widely available. However, they are often used for secondary purposes, such as wiping faces or cleaning surfaces, which increases overall consumption and waste.

Studies show that people often use multiple paper towels per hand-wash. Women typically use 3-4 towels, while men use 1-2. This high consumption rate contributes significantly to waste. Paper towels are made from wood pulp and require substantial resources for production, including water, chemicals, and energy. Also, there is a considerable amount of transport required for regular bringing in fresh paper towels and then disposing of the used one. The lifecycle assessment (LCA) reveals that a single paper towel has a carbon footprint of about 56 grams of CO2 add reference here.

Electric dryers

Electric dryers provide touch-free operation, which reduces the risk of germ transmission. They are cost-effective over the long term, compared to the continuous purchase of paper towels. Some dryers even claim that use of advanced electric dryers can reduce facilities hand drying expenses by 95% versus paper towels, while eliminating their labor, maintenance, and waste.   Although, electric dryers can be less effective in high-traffic areas if not maintained properly.

Modern electric dryers consume about 1.5 kWh of electricity per 1,000 dries. They have an average lifespan of 5-10 years with regular maintenance, which includes costs for electricity and occasional repairs. The transport cost limits primarily to first time installation and then regular 3-6 months of maintenance. The carbon footprint of electric dryers includes the upfront production and installation, but their operational footprint depends on the energy mix used to power them (renewable vs. fossil fuels).

Practical considerations in public places

If a public place has a daily visitor count of say 50 or few people, paper towels might be more environmentally friendly due to lower overall consumption. However, in high-traffic areas, the continuous need for replenishment makes electric dryers a more sustainable choice. This para is value addition, add reference, a explain a little about it. why minimum 50 people from LCA/ enviroment/sustainability perspective. What changes with paper towels and dryer. Even some resorts or big hotels, they keep small cloth towels for per person use, with the option of washing it after a single use. 


In conclusion, the best method for drying hands depends on the context. At home or confined places, cloth towels are clearly the best option. In public places, both paper towels and electric dryers have their pros and cons. From an environmental and hygiene perspective, electric dryers often emerge as the better choice - conditionally, especially in high-density areas. However, it is essential to consider specific needs and usage patterns. Ultimately, promoting better living involves making conscious decisions that balance hygiene, convenience, and environmental impact.

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