Tea and coffee, two of the world's most beloved beverages, are ubiquitous in our daily routines. These drinks contain caffeine, which has a tendency to increase body heat regardless of whether the beverage is consumed hot or cold. It's astonishing to realize that more than 70% of the adult population across the globe regularly drinks tea or coffee. While there are numerous discussions about the health risks and benefits associated with caffeine consumption, let's focus on a different aspect: the logical reasoning behind our consumption patterns, especially in varying weather conditions.
Tea and Coffee: A global phenomenon
Caffeine, the primary active ingredient in both tea and coffee, is known for its stimulating effects on the central nervous system. It increases alertness and can improve concentration. However, caffeine also raises body temperature by stimulating thermogenesis, the process by which our bodies generate heat. This effect occurs whether one drinks the tea or coffee, irrespective of consumed hot or cold.
Winter warmth : In winter, drinking tea or coffee seems logical. The external environment is cold, and these warm beverages provide a comforting and soothing effect. On consumption of these beverages, the heat from the drink helps to raise the body temperature, making you feel warmer and more comfortable in chilly weather. It's a simple, satisfying solution to the cold.
But what about in summer? One side of you keeps complaining that it’s too hot, while the other side keeps sipping coffee/ tea, further heating up your body. This behavior seems counterintuitive. Even if you consume iced tea or coffee, the caffeine content still raises your body temperature.
Regions near the equator, where the temperature remains consistently high throughout the year, averaging between 26 - 34 degrees Celsius (79 - 93 degrees Fahrenheit), it doesn’t make any logical sense to have popularity of these beverages.
The contrast is stark: with all places like offices, shopping malls, homes, cars, buse etc. equipped with air-conditioners, to bring comfort, as “it's very hot outside”. But, seriously, how many think also about what they are doing ? Humans went to great lengths to cool our external environment while simultaneously heating our bodies with caffeine-laden beverages. This contradiction raises an interesting question: why do we persist in this habit?
Caffeine is also like an addiction, it works slowly and steadily. Daily consumption of caffeinated products can create physical dependence, leading to chemical changes in the brain, leading to caffeine addiction, characterized by cravings and withdrawal systems. If you are a coffee/tea lover you know what I mean. Day just can’t begin without it. And depending on how much you are addicted to it, all world appears to be slow and halt if you don’t get your drink at the time you are used to.
Rethinking consumption habits.
Understanding the logic, or lack thereof, behind this behavior requires a closer look at cultural habits, psychological comfort, and social norms. For many, the act of drinking tea or coffee is more than just a way to stay alert; it's a ritual, a moment of peace, or a social activity. In summer, despite the heat, these drinks offer a familiar comfort.
However, it might be time to reconsider our consumption habits, especially in hot or warm weather. Instead of reaching for that cup of coffee or tea, try alternatives that can cool you down without heating your body from within. Herbal teas, which are often caffeine-free, infused water, or simply hydrating with plain water can be excellent substitutes. These options provide hydration without the added heat, helping to maintain a balanced body temperature.
It's intriguing how our daily habits can sometimes contradict logical reasoning, especially when it comes to our health and comfort. While tea and coffee are beloved beverages with undeniable cultural and social significance, it’s worth reflecting on how they affect our bodies in different climates. In winter, their warming effect is a boon, but in summer, it might be more beneficial to opt for cooling alternatives. By being mindful of what we drink and when, we can make more logical choices that align with our comfort and well-being, all year round.